Bonner County

Bonner County

Postby North Idaho hunter » Sat Sep 18, 2021 5:30 pm

Howdy, i'l be moving to Bonner county end of Sept. i'm probably older than most here i'm 64. Ducks have been my passion for a long time, have a ton of mounts, ducks, geese but im slowing down because of my health but i can still get at it. No longer have a boat so im on foot. I've hunted CA private for 37 yrs. Alaska, for 6. I can learn the spots on foot but should there be someone who would like to bring me a long for a hunt, i would love it. If you have a boat and looking for a new friend or partner, i welcome that. I'm able to hunt 7 days a week and have a good 12 yr old lab. I might not want to hunt her if it gets too cold, but in early fall, i would like to see her out there. she lays down well and knows what's going on. I haven't hunted in 2 yrs and life hasn't seemed the same. In '20 I sold 900.00 worth of decoys because i thought my hunting days were over. All i have left are a dozen hidgon alpha wobbler full body honker shells with flocked heads.

i'll be ordering more dekes soon. Also love fly fishing and can't wait to get back into the Forest
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North Idaho hunter
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Re: Bonner County

Postby Deltaman » Mon Sep 20, 2021 9:00 am

Welcome NIH, and good luck getting settled in and learning your new area. We will look forward to your reports!
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Re: Bonner County

Postby Duck Engr » Mon Sep 20, 2021 10:58 am

Most of the guys on this forum are based in the southeast, save a couple in the Midwest and northeast. I don’t know if any active members out your way. I’m jealous that you’re getting to move out that way though. Beautiful country that my wife and I visit as often as we can.
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Re: Bonner County

Postby North Idaho hunter » Tue Sep 21, 2021 8:36 pm

i sure hope to be taking some good pics and giving a report or two. All of this might not happen if i don't come up with enough money for a 12 ga. I had a beauty but sold it to cabela's because i fell into the snake river, near idaho falls and lost my cell phone. being on a fixed income sucks. i never should of done that but at the time never thought i would hunt again. I almost replaced my 12 ga but didn't pull the trigger on it. It's gonna be beautiful, i can't wait
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North Idaho hunter
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