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Good Comparison

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:40 am
by assateague
This reminds me why I like my Eastern Shoreman. While a short reed is nice and responsive, I don't think they can touch the goose sound of an Eastern Shoreman. I don't think you can see the comments here, so here's what he's calling on, in order:

Bay Country- clucker guts
Bay Country- flyway x guts
Lynch Mob Slipknot Hybrid
Eastern Shoreman
Mac Island M10
Freestyle Duck Call
Allan Stanley Deceiver
Echo Poly Timber

Re: Good Comparison

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:57 am
by MuddyWaterWarlock
Interesting Assateague, Some sounds from those calls just were not goose. I did hear a very accurate distinctive quack from the Allen Stanley(I believe) that was very realistic, although I didn't appreciate the top of that call as much.

Why the Ostrich Picture? I asked somewhere else and they said you were an Emu hunter. Care to elaborate?

Re: Good Comparison

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 12:05 pm
by Goldfish
I'll have to watch this when I get home. I've been on the hunt for anther goose call. I've got a C&S Die Hard Apostle because it was cheap (poly call) and he's a local good guy but man does it take a lot of work to run. I learned a short reed on the call so I've come to like it, and it seems a bit lower toned than most I try which is odd for it being such a short call, but I think it's time to find something else that is a little more novice friendly. I've been having a tough time finding a call that doesn't sound like a cackler to me.

Re: Good Comparison

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:09 pm
by assateague
It's good to hear the differences. By no means covers a large chunk (or even a small chunk) of the calls available, but it's a lot easier to hear the differences than any other video I've seen.

I shot an emu once. Called it in with a 5-gallon bucket. Long story.

Re: Good Comparison

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:16 pm
by MuddyWaterWarlock
assateague wrote:It's good to hear the differences. By no means covers a large chunk (or even a small chunk) of the calls available, but it's a lot easier to hear the differences than any other video I've seen.

I shot an emu once. Called it in with a 5-gallon bucket. Long story.

You are a wild and crazy guy! We will have to party together!!!! Was the bucket full of feed or what?

Re: Good Comparison

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:30 pm
by Goldfish
The bucket was the call

Re: Good Comparison

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:05 pm
by Eric Haynes
This isn't to discredit any calls out there.

Where I am located, we get no cacklers(that I am aware) but I think my higher pitched calls land more geese than my goosey ones. I almost never use a goosey call anymore unless I'm just playing around in the garage. It's probably just my area, but for me, low and goosey just isn't what puts the feet on the ground(at least better IMO) With all this said, I'm glad it is this way because I am not very good on any of those lower pitched calls that take a lot of air, but I do love the sounds more because the higher cackler calls don't really sound like a goose to me.