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Re: Preseason 2015-2016

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 9:08 am
by Ducaholic
Pretty much sums it up D...two limits on Sunday and Monday following the opening Saturday and then drips and drabs after that...I hear a few ducks moved in during the split so I'm hopeful for Saturday and maybe Sunday then it's back to the heat, humidity, rain, and dreary El Nino weather...

Re: Preseason 2015-2016

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 9:41 am
by Rick
Supposed to be a mess of new, mostly ring-necked, divers on Cherry Ridge between us and your in-laws. Clark said he watched a gi-normous flight of them drop on the marsh a couple days ago. And I'm not too proud to help thin any they might chase our way - though the ringnecks often seem too proud to fly my little mudhole...

Re: Preseason 2015-2016

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 12:30 pm
by Darren
On the note of the ringers, Rick, see below from Larry as posted on La Sportsman's site yesterday:

I finished flying the coastal transects and Catahoula Lake late last week, and saw a surprising number of ducks. The total count was actually slightly higher than the long-term average thanks mostly to a BIG influx of ring-necked ducks in the Upper Terrbonne marshes, large numbers of gadwalls at Delta Farms south of Lake Salvador, and good numbers of scaup in the open lakes and bays along transects in SE LA. I was hoping to get a complete report out before Friday, but the scaup and NW LA surveys won't be completed until late this week so ???I expect the second split will be the same as most years: some people will do very well while others won't do much. By the end of the season, I'll be getting phone calls about all the ducks rafting up in big numbers in wide open water making them impossible to kill.

Mike Smith over in Delacroix also reported a good many birds seen yesterday so we'll see. Think we're going to do Delacroix Saturday then local public marsh Sunday.

I can attest to the ringers blazing by the Mudhole, we put a few on the straps on last year's visit. Was really neat to see a lone drake ringer diving (seemingly to root around on the bottom) in a lake at Central Park over the weekend.