
Forum for private sales. No commercial advertising. MUST HAVE 10 POST TO USE THIS FORUM.

Moderator: Throbbin Rods


Postby don novicki » Sat Jul 16, 2022 7:17 am

Have 4 dozen home made snow goose sillys in a silhouette satchel, and 1 dozen brand new Winglocker snow socks with heads, these have never been put together. I'd like to get 40.00 for the whole kit n caboodle ( you don't hear that one everyday) and we could split shipping. The sillys are very light as they are made out of coroplast from old political signs ( finally our politicians are good for something). Let me know if there's any interest. I live in Girard Pa if anyone is close enough for a handoff.
don novicki
Posts: 532
Joined: Mon Jan 28, 2013 8:57 am

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