Opening Weekend with video


Opening Weekend with video

Postby schmitzgopro » Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:45 am

I haven't seen a whole lot of people really talking about their goose opener so I'm assuming it was either so good they can't talk yet or it was so bad they are embarrassed. I finally got a couple minutes in my busy schedule to write up how our weekend went and get the video all compiled into a short movie. I'll try to keep it short cause the video is about 18 minutes long and it shows how great our opening day was. Friday I headed back to NW Iowa from Cedar Rapids and met the guys to load up our gear and decoys and have a few drinks together since we no longer live in the same town. Went out at 11 Friday night to brush our blinds and set up decoys in a field that I had previously saw geese in. (hunting is a little harder when you can't scout everyday while your 3.5 hours away) The next morning we headed out at about 6 and realized the wind had switched and so we rearranged the blinds and decoys for the change in wind after the first flock wouldn't work with us. Little did we know that we would have our limit by 7:45 and picking up decoys. After some well needed naps we decided to go back out Saturday night at 9 to change the blinds due to wind and put out the decoys again and try a different spread formation for Sunday. The birds didn't fly til around 8 but nonetheless we were done by about a quarter to 9 again and had one hell of a hunt. Hope you guys enjoy the quick video I put together. Hope you guys enjoy the SHORTER version and the MOBILE DEVICE version of the video and let me know what you think.
On the video in the scene at 3:40 you can see the wads and shot which made that part really cool.

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Re: Opening Weekend with video

Postby 3legged_lab » Sun Oct 07, 2012 6:31 pm

Not bad. Your geese seem to be a little tame though. Which one of your buddies missed that lay-up shot on the goose you guys were "meowing" at? :lol: Lucky for him he got it on the second shot.
Bootlipkiller wrote: all the mallards I killed today had boners do to my epic calling.
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