2018-2019 Season Log

2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Duck Engr » Wed Nov 21, 2018 9:57 pm

Left town at daylight Friday to head up to the lease. Got there around 130 and joined the other members of the lease to deploy decoys and brush the pit. Plan was to knock the pit brushing out in a couple hours and go check out the rivers to see if we could find any birds. Between a couple of things being forgotten at camp and watching groups of DUMB spoonies dive bombing the spread, we didn’t make it scouting. A member of the lease had done a little truck scouting that morning, so we had a decent enough idea of where some birds were. Enough of an idea to forego the pretty much guaranteed pit limits of teal and spoons with likely a few big ducks mixed in for the opportunity to shoot ducks on the river.
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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Duck Engr » Wed Nov 21, 2018 9:57 pm




Cloud Cover:

Wind Direction and Velocity:


Moon phase:

Special Notes:

Waterfowl Activity:

Waterfowl Responsiveness:





Special Equipment:



Birds By Species:

Photo Ops:

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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Duck Engr » Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:11 pm

Date: 11/17/18

Time: hunted till 10. Flight practically shut off by 830.


Cloud Cover: clear

Wind Direction and Velocity: southwest around 5 most of the morning

Temperature: low 40s

Moon phase: waxing gibbous

Special Notes:

Waterfowl Activity: Enough birds to keep things interesting but nothing eye popping. I was disappointed in how few ducks I saw in the fields on the drive up. General consensus is the cold front and snow moved some ducks out but not many had begun to arrive for reinforcements.

Waterfowl Responsiveness: As always on opening day, good. I picked up an rnt mondo cutdown for $84 on sale this summer from RNT website and the ducks really seemed to like it, although it doesn’t sound that great to my ear, I was assured by my hunting buddies and the ducks that it sounded better farther off.

Hunters: the 5 lease members

Guns: M2, stoeger 3500, versamax, sbe 2, and an over under.


Dog(s): Legh, Jax, and Trace. Legh and Trace showed rust from not enough offseason work, with my excuse being a new baby and Trace’s Dad’s excuse being the hurricane hitting them right when temps cooled off enough to train. Regardless, I foresee some casting drills in Legh’s future. I noticed what seemed to be Legh slowing down a little bit. She had a moderately aggressive mast cell tumor removed this summer. I’m hoping it didn’t spread.

Special Equipment: jerk cord

Curses: not scouting hurt us on setup. Likely would have done better than we did if we were a few hundred yards South.

Kudos: nice go get back out there and see a sunrise.

Birds By Species: 10 mallards. 7 teal. 1 wood duck.

Photo Ops:

Lagniappe: Two lease members went to the pit that afternoon for the last hour of daylight and shot a mallard and two spoons.
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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Rick » Thu Nov 22, 2018 4:34 am

Hunting three dogs from the same pit must be an interesting proposition.
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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Duck Engr » Thu Nov 22, 2018 7:26 am

Rick wrote:Hunting three dogs from the same pit must be an interesting proposition.

Ha boy would it have been, but it looks like I messed up and only alluded to location in my preseason notes when I described us brushing the pit. We decided to hunt the river after a report from one of the lease members after his Friday morning truck scouting session.
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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Duck Engr » Thu Nov 22, 2018 4:41 pm

Seems I either didn’t hit post on my preseason notes or it disappeared again. At any rate, looks like I’m off to a rumblin fumblin start to the log.
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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Duck Engr » Thu Nov 22, 2018 4:57 pm

Date: 11/18/18

Time: morning, but didn’t get fully set up till 8.

Location: what a cluster fornication this day was. Started way south of camp at a boat ramp only to have a borrowed outboard malfunction. The other boat continued on to the planned area while my buddy and I trekked back north to a walk-in/paddle-in location with a pirogue.

Cloud Cover: clear

Wind Direction and Velocity: nil to light northwest.

Temperature:low 40s

Moon phase: waxing gibbous

Special Notes: made chicken salad from chicken $&@#.

Waterfowl Activity: I wouldn’t know, as we missed the first hour and a half of shooting light. However as I approached our planned location I watched a group of ten ducks work the hole and sit down in it with no calls or decoys. Typically a good sign but didn’t have many more ducks to help prove my theory thereafter.

Waterfowl Responsiveness: still good to the mondo once I finally got set up.

Hunters: 2 down to 1 by 9 am as my partner paddled off in the pirogue to scout more locations.

Guns: M2 12 gauge

Malfunctions: As we were discussing our plan the night before, my buddy’s Dad was insistent that we take his outboard instead of our mud rigs as we were in for a long boat ride. He left out the fact that he had not run the motor over idle speed since summer 2017. We didn’t make it 100 yards from the ramp before we realized 6 mph was our top end. Not ideal for long boat rides.

Dog(s): Legh who impressed my buddy with her steadiness as a hen sat in the decoys and quacked her head off for a full minute before she left.

Special Equipment: jerk chord

Curses: the malfunctioning boat and allowing ourselves to be talked into giving up what we know to be good equipment for a question mark.

Kudos: my buddy and I landed two different single Susies in the decoys and after he left to scout, I landed two small groups, with enough drakes to fill my Mallard limit.

Birds By Species: 5 mallards (4 while I was hunting solo and 1 killed by my buddy while paddling his pirogue around) and a teal, also a victim to a quick shot from the pirogue.

Photo Ops:

Lagniappe: what started off as pretty grim turned into my favorite morning of the trip. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to work big ducks just me and the pup, and it felt good to get them all the way down to the water and shoot them on the way up.
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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Duck Engr » Thu Nov 22, 2018 5:53 pm

Addendum: Two of us went to the pit at 230 as the weather changed to spitting rain and the temp dropped ten degrees. Killed 2 gadwall, a mallard, and 2 shovelers.
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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Duck Engr » Fri Nov 23, 2018 10:34 pm

Date: 11/19/18

Time: morning

Location: River

Cloud Cover: overcast, dark skies

Wind Direction and Velocity: zilch. Not a breath. I can deal with cloudy and I can deal with no wind, but both has rarely treated me well.

Temperature: mid 40s

Moon phase: waxing gibbous

Special Notes:

Waterfowl Activity: better than the previous day but not quite what it was opening day.

Waterfowl Responsiveness: great to the mondo but frustrating at the same time. Every group we called to showed some form of response, with most working the hole right at the treetops. Finishing ducks with cloudy skies and no wind is tough, and we didn’t have much luck with that. Probably worked 20 groups of ducks. Only finished two singles and got one group halfway in the hole, where I froze and never called the shot

Hunters: 3


Malfunctions: my lock up on calling the shot.

Dog(s): Legh and Trace. Trace was acting out most of the morning so he earned getting tied up to a tree.

Special Equipment: jerk chord

Curses: no blasted wind!

Kudos: still got to work a couple of ducks right over the decoys.

Birds By Species: 2 mallards. One wood duck.

After an hour of working ducks but not being able to make them finish in the hole, we finally fooled one into hovering 10’ over the decoys. I was standing back from the hole just calling and watching. My 2 hunting partners proceeded to miss him a combined six times (“look at all the feathers we knocked out of him.”). I had time to get my gun off of my shoulder step around a tree away from them and shoot the duck as he tried to fly out. I’m not likely to let them forget that one anytime soon (at least until I do something just as silly).

Photo Ops:

Lagniappe: we probably could have scratched out our limits if we had taken shots at them over the hole, treetop high but I’ve gotten to where that doesn’t excite me as much anymore. I really enjoy completely fooling them to the water.
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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Rick » Sat Nov 24, 2018 4:35 am

"Some guys like seeing how far they can hit them, and others like seeing how close they can get them. I'm an 'other'." - credited to John Stephens.
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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Duck Engr » Sat Nov 24, 2018 8:46 am

I’d like to find that quote framed and hang it on the wall at duck camp. We definitely have both.
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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Duck Engr » Mon Nov 26, 2018 2:40 pm

Date: 11/20/18

Time: morning. Packed up at 845 to get on the road.

Location: river

Cloud Cover: clear

Wind Direction and Velocity: best of the trip, northwest 5 to not quite 10.

Temperature: chilly. 30 ish.

Moon phase: waxing gibbous

Special Notes: we were pretty excited about our prospects, with me saying if half the birds work us with this sunshine and wind that did yesterday, it’ll get ugly.

Waterfowl Activity: maybe a tenth of what flew the day before. Disappointing

Waterfowl Responsiveness: not nearly as good as the previous day, but still decent enough.

Hunters: 5


Malfunctions: pretty smooth morning equipment-wise.

Dog(s): Legh and Trace. Jaxx came down with “limp tail” on Sunday and it worsened Monday, rendering him a rug ornament at the camp.

Special Equipment: jerk cord

Curses: Houdini act by the ducks

Kudos: what birds we killed, were killed dead center of the hole right over (or in) the decoys, save the wood duck.

Birds By Species: 5 mallards 1 wood duck

Photo Ops:

Lagniappe: about 20 minutes before packup time we landed a group of 3 drakes and 2 hens in the decoys and killed all of the drakes. That was a fun way to end the trip.
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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Duck Engr » Thu Dec 06, 2018 12:18 pm

Date: 12/6/18

Time: morning. At the ramp around 515. Only truck there (rarely a good sign, though it was a weekday)

Location: local river

Cloud Cover: mostly clear

Wind Direction and Velocity: slight from the NW. Barely enough to move the “smoke” off of the water

Temperature: 27

Moon phase: didn’t see one

Special Notes: this was more of a cold weather test run than a hunt. Wanted to take advantage of the 27 degree temps to test boat motor and other gear in cold temps instead of when ducks are thick in January.

Waterfowl Activity: very few. Handful of wood ducks. All I was expecting.

Waterfowl Responsiveness: better than woodies usually do. Was able to whistle a pair back to the decoys after they caught me napping

Hunters: solo

Guns: M2 12 gauge

Malfunctions: phone, my primary gps and camera, crapped out after a few pics. Guess it got too cold. Came back on in the truck. Easy run back to the launch so didn’t have to dig out the backup Garmin.

Dog(s): Legh

Special Equipment: 2 pintail Drake decoys. 1 mallard hen on the jerk cord.

Curses: lolligagging cost me a couple of shot opps. Since no one was at the ramp, I took my sweet time getting things ready to where I didn’t have much “fluff” time left when heading out. The spot I wanted to get was already occupied by either someone who lives on the river or they used a ramp I’m unaware of. At any rate, that set me about 10 minutes behind heading to plan B. Loaded my gun ten minutes after shooting time after watching a few shooting opps pass as I unrolled the jerk cord.

Kudos: beautiful morning.

Birds By Species: 1 wood duck Drake. Only duck I shot at.

Photo Ops:Image

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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Rick » Fri Dec 07, 2018 5:44 am

But it was pretty.
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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby MARSH BEAR » Fri Dec 07, 2018 8:24 am

Great picture
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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Duck Engr » Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:29 am

Looks like pretty pictures will be all that we’re left with for a while in Alabama with all of the water north of us. Even the local refuge is reporting subpar numbers. Things will pick up in January, but I’ll likely be preoccupied with trips back out to our lease by then.
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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Duck Engr » Thu Dec 13, 2018 5:27 pm

Wife decided she was going to take the little guy down to the beach to see my mother in law this weekend and to my surprise gave me the option of going or staying. No brainer said I’m staying home. Then it dawned on me I could make a trip to our lease, so that’s where I’m headed tomorrow after lunch. Reports aren’t great, but rain is already happening and has been known to stir the pot a little, so we’ll see what happens.
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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby MARSH BEAR » Thu Dec 13, 2018 5:38 pm

Good luck - hope you have a pleasant surprise.
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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby DComeaux » Thu Dec 13, 2018 5:40 pm

That is an awesome picture. Frame it!
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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Duck Engr » Thu Dec 13, 2018 5:47 pm

Thanks MB!

That’s already in motion DC. Showed it to my mom and she was all over it haha.
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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Duck Engr » Tue Dec 18, 2018 9:21 pm

Date: 12/15/18

Time: morning on river. Afternoon at lease field


Cloud Cover: heavy. Misting rain mixed with foggy periods.

Wind Direction and Velocity: strong from NW and sometimes swirling to southwest.

Temperature: low 40s

Moon phase: waxing crescent

Special Notes: arrived at camp around 9 Friday night and the guys who’d been there all day had slacked on their scouting duties, so we had to go in blind.

Waterfowl Activity: watched ducks stream out of the south all morning and afternoon. Quite a few on the fields at lunch. Several big bodies of geese around.

Waterfowl Responsiveness: the few ducks we saw at callable height had good initial response on river, but most of those showed up within a 30 second window of each other and we went from thinking we were about to land 5 groups at one time to having a single sneak in on us while I was looking at another group. A nearby shot then flared all of them. Had another couple groups not able to decide if they wanted to work the woods behind us or the hole in front. They probably circled 15 times.

Afternoon ducks were pretty responsive. Were able to break a handful of mallards and one group of pintails I still regret not calling the shot on as they made a low pass over us. Geese would lock initially then slide off or simply pick up and keep on going. Rascals are sharp this year.

Hunters: 2

Guns: M2 and Stoeger

Malfunctions: could have had a better set up on the river. Ducks seemed to want the better cover of the flooded woods instead of the open hole.

Dog(s): Legh and Trace. Trace, who is 2, made a nice 200 yard mark on a chipped mallard in the field. Highlight of a slow day.

Special Equipment: jerk cord

Curses: lack of low ducks

Kudos: My buddy seems to have fixed Trace’s habit of breaking on shot.

Birds By Species: 1 gwt in the AM. 1 hen bufflehead (huh, no kidding was my response when I saw her) and 1 mallard in the PM.

Photo Ops: Image
Legh and trace considering finding new owners who are better at guessing where the ducks will be.

Lagniappe: I’m afraid I have bad news for you south Louisiana guys in addition to my observation of northward birds (typically the ducks will fly one way in the AM then the opposite way in the PM in our area). Both of the major rivers in our area are out of their banks and flooding a whole lot of ground. There is water on the landscape everywhere.
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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Duck Engr » Wed Dec 19, 2018 5:15 pm

Addendum to Waterfowl Responsiveness from 12/15 log: As i thought back on the hunt this morning, I remembered a 4 pack of teal flying with a pair of mallards fairly high from East to West over our spread. I called expecting the mallards to break when the teal, all in unison, pulled one of the most acrobatic maneuvers i've ever seen a group of ducks pull off. They went from flying along to inverting and starting a long dive straight down, pulled up out of it just before hitting the tops of the trees and made one loop before flying through the hole, where i promptly missed two easy shots but connected on a long third.
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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Rick » Wed Dec 19, 2018 5:51 pm

Have seen geese flip in, but can't say I've ever seen a duck invert - or been attentive enough to realize it. Pretty neat experience.
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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Johnc » Wed Dec 19, 2018 7:51 pm

yes yes and yes the geese are sharp this year
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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Duck Engr » Sat Dec 22, 2018 11:42 pm

Date: 12/16/18

Time: morning

Location: River where the other half of our group had hunted the morning before.

Cloud Cover: supposed to be clear but ground fog ruined that idea

Wind Direction and Velocity: light to 5 mph from NW

Temperature: 34 degrees. Cold enough for the unlucky soul that fell in up to his neck just before shooting time to be miserable.

Moon phase:

Special Notes: this hunt started off as a disaster and was only somewhat salvaged in the end.

Waterfowl Activity: about a tenth of the previous day’s activity with minimal high flight and enough wary low birds to play with.

Waterfowl Responsiveness: good initially but something was wrong with our decoys that was keeping the birds from getting in the hole and it got good and daylight. Never quite figured out what the problem was.

Hunters: 5


Malfunctions: Several. Plan was for a buddy to go in early, get the spot, then the rest of us come in. I was assured they’d scouted the best way to get in, where to launch the boat, etc etc. I get a call at 4 am with my buddy sounding like he was talking under water. Finally understood he’d dropped his phone in waist deep water and got soaked fishing it out (lifeproof case earned its keep). Said he thought someone was in the hole we wanted to get so we needed to bring sleds and kayaks instead of the big boat for plan B. No problem, swapped the gear over right quick and were about to leave with some extra dry clothes when I get another call. Turns out the spot wasn’t occupied, return to the original plan. Move all the gear back to the boat and we’re off. Get to where we’re supposed to launch the boat and discover we’d been told the wrong spot to launch. Find the best spot we can and push the boat off the trailer into the ditch. Spent wayyyyyy too much time picking our way to the spot since we couldn’t get to the trail. Time was ticking so tempers got a little warm during that exercise. Pull up about 15 minutes before shooting time and rush to put out decoys (insert the aforementioned swim by a buddy). Even though we finished 4 pairs after first light and killed all the drakes, we couldn’t get the ducks to finish once it was full daylight. Had one member of the group wanting to shoot birds on the swing since they wouldn’t finish. Rest of us don’t like doing that. Had another temper flare up over that. Not our best performance.

Dog(s): Legh, Trace, and Jax.

Special Equipment: two jerk cords.

Curses: just the cluster of a morning we had. Could have prevented a lot of it with better planning. I know better than to go in with a half-cocked plan like we did.

Kudos: still killed a few.

Birds By Species: 4 mallards, 2 wood ducks, 1 teal

Photo Ops:

Lagniappe: Glad that one is over. Had enough birds low and working us to have had a good hunt and we didn’t execute. Hope all the kinks are worked out for January.
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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Duck Engr » Sat Dec 22, 2018 11:52 pm

Date: 12/17/18

Time: morning till 830

Location: first morning hunt of the year in the pit

Cloud Cover: clear

Wind Direction and Velocity: nil to light NW

Temperature: 33 degrees

Moon phase:

Special Notes: bet we didn’t see 100 mallards all day, either in the air or the fields driving home.

Waterfowl Activity: bad. Worst I’ve ever seen it in that area. Ducks had fully cleared out from Saturday.

Waterfowl Responsiveness: we were able to break a handful of mallards from mid height but they’d all give us one look and go over to the neighbors (unhunted) pit, Circle it a few times, then leave.

Early morning trio of teal did as bid until they skirted the decoys on my buddy’s side of the pit resulting in three misses.

Hunters: 2

Guns: I never took my gun off safety

Malfunctions: none. Got all of those out of the way on Sunday.

Dog(s): slept

Special Equipment: jerk cord

Curses: no ducks

Kudos: got a dog box cover installed.

Birds By Species: scratch

Photo Ops:

Lagniappe: other guy in camp went to the river and didn’t pull the trigger either. Have heard very poor reports from the other fields on our farm this week as well with one blind killing 2 ducks in 3 mornings of hunting
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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Duck Engr » Sun Dec 23, 2018 8:22 pm

Date: 12/23/18

Time: morning

Location: local river

Cloud Cover: partly to heavy and back

Wind Direction and Velocity: light southerly swirling westerly a couple of times.

Temperature: 37

Moon phase: “headlight” bright

Special Notes: only truck at the ramp again. Was another to show after me I discovered when I got back.

Waterfowl Activity: more woodies than on the previous trip, however most were high. Had enough opportunities to kill my three but was looking the wrong way on most occasions. Saw a bufflehead buzzing as well.

Waterfowl Responsiveness: woodies fairly high and unresponsive. Had one pair of woodies get up from an adjacent slough that had skirted me early. Was able to trick them with aggressive squeals as soon as they got up. Waited for them to land in the decoys, which they didn’t, and the hesitation cost me an opportunity to take the second in the pair.

Hunters: solo

Guns: M2 12 gauge

Malfunctions: Legh got hung up in the jerk cord due to me being slow getting it out of her way. Had to whistle stop her around.

Dog(s): Legh

Special Equipment: 1 mallard hen on jerk cord. 2 drake pintails in current.

Curses: none really. When I go around here I’m just hoping to get one retrieve for the dog and not see any gators.

Kudos: accomplished both aforementioned goals of a local hunt and connected on my only shot fired.

Birds By Species: 1 wood duck

Photo Ops:Image

Legh returning, with the jerk cord in the proper position this time.

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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Duck Engr » Mon Dec 24, 2018 2:46 pm

Date: 12/24/18

Time: morning till 715

Location: friend’s beaver swamp

Cloud Cover: clear

Wind Direction and Velocity: light northerly

Temperature: 38 degrees or close to it.

Moon phase: bright

Special Notes:

Waterfowl Activity: was told there weren’t a ton of birds around and they were right.

Waterfowl Responsiveness: they were either coming hard or not at all

Hunters: 3


Malfunctions: none

Dog(s): Legh. Whined loudly and half considered breaking when a pair landed on the water. Uncharacteristic for her. I’ll be taking some lemon juice with me to curb the whining next time we go. Made two nice retrieves otherwise.

Special Equipment: 3 hen mallards

Curses: none

Kudos: had been a while since I’d seen those guys. Nice to see them again and shoot the breeze.

Birds By Species: 2 wood ducks.

Photo Ops: never pulled my phone out

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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Duck Engr » Sun Dec 30, 2018 9:49 pm

Date: 12/26/18

Time: morning till 9

Location: not so local draw hunt area’s youth/adult day.

Cloud Cover: clear

Wind Direction and Velocity: light from east

Temperature: 40

Moon phase:

Special Notes: youth draw hunt that my neighbor’s grandson was selected for. I’d told him I’d take him if he was selected back in October. He got drawn but never mentioned it until Christmas Eve. Surprise!

Waterfowl Activity:knew it would be poor from reports in the area and they were accurate.

Waterfowl Responsiveness: ringnecks responsive to burrs on mallard call. Shovelers oblivious.

Hunters: 2, though I only shot to save the skunk after it was apparent my youth wasn’t going to hit.

Guns: M2s. My 12 and 20

Malfunctions: bent barrel for the young gun

Dog(s): Legh made a bit of a fool of herself. Loud mouthing again.

Special Equipment: spinner on remote on 10’ pole above sesbania.

Curses: lack of game for the young guy

Kudos: good to get a young one out and through the motions to see what it’s all about.

Birds By Species: 1 spoon. Several ringneck opportunities missed by either not connecting on the shot or not paying attention

Photo Ops:

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Re: 2018-2019 Season Log

Postby Rick » Mon Dec 31, 2018 4:36 am

Good on ya for giving it a go.
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